
MurraySo this the Internet?! Coooool. I’m only 5 months old so I’m still getting a handle on this stuff. My name is Murray— but I’m a girl. I blame my Mom and Dad and their disregard for societal norms. Total weirdos, those two.

But you know who aren’t weirdos? Doug and Maria from Tails On The Town. I’ve been getting puppy visits from them ever since I was 2 months old and they’re just good people, ya know? I mean, they bring me treats and toys and they’re even helping me get over my dog-related social anxiety. Hey, if someone sniffed your butt when you met them, you’d be a little put-off too!

Doug and Maria are kind, patient and caring—all the qualities I look for in humans. I look forward to hanging with them everyday and getting to know my neighborhood, one squirrel at a time.

Filed in on Sat., Apr 2, 2016